Saturday, April 19, 2014

I Walk the Road they Cannot See.

I will NOT buy into YOUR Version of Me.

I will Choose my OWN Reality; what will Be.

They cannot see the Road I walk upon.
they Cannot hear the whispers I honor so deeply
within the core I know to be my only door.

They cannot see the light diverge upon the trail, 
in the forest of my journey, they cannot bear to witness.

They will not look my way, for the truth is too far
from their sight. Theirs will burden with a weight
they Cannot Bear.

They live inside the cave of their illusions Despair.

I walk a road, they cannot see.
I hear a calling they won't allow to be.

Standing here in their Delusion,
I almost bought into their Reality.

Just in time, I became ME
and I let that Simply Be.

They CANNOT see the Road I
Walk Upon.

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