Saturday, March 29, 2014

"The real reason Marc Randazza, husband of Jennifer Randazza, revised Nevada Anti-Slapp Law – TO GET PAID!"

"Alexandra Mayers aka Monica Foster commentary:
This particular commentary is directed specifically to Jennifer Randazza.
Remember this day (click here) Jennifer? Remember that photo you took of your husband Marc (I assume you took the photo being that you are the copyright holder)? I’m certain you felt fairly proud that particular day…it was the day that your husband revised Nevada’s Anti-Slapp statute which significantly improved upon the state’s prior anti-SLAPP law.
Superficially the revisions grant defendants in Nevada courts some of the best and broadest protections for speech adopted by other states in their anti-SLAPP statutes since the passage of Nevada’s original law.
The word that I want you to pay very close attention to though Jennifer Randazza is the word SUPERFICIALLY. Here’s why…
What’s interesting about Marc Randazza DEFENDING, is that they’ve been accused in the past of doing EXACTLY what your husband is100%, beyond a shadow of a doubt FALSELY accusing me of – EXTORTION (in fact I’d be willing to swear on a Bible and bet the lives of everyone I care for, plus my own life, that the allegations accusing me of being an extortionist ARE FALSE).
It’s almost as though your husband Marc Randazza (who is completely void of creativity and original thought), is utilizing the complaint posted below as a script (or blueprint).
The way I see things Jennifer, the ONLY reason that your husband revised the Nevada Anti-Slapp law, was so that he could get paid…I don’t believe he cares about Freedom of Speech (the 1st amendment) one bit.
You know Jennifer, it was because of you that I almost lost the friendship of Crystal Cox – someone who I consider to be like a sister.  When Crystal registered and the name of your daughter as a .com as well, I didn’t agree with her actions.  I felt it went a bit too far.  I opted to return that domain to your husband, Marc Randazza, free of charge and I have the emails to prove it – click here to read them.
In addition Jennifer, your husband Marc offered me $100.00 (which I declined) to expedite the return (I was under the impression at the time that legally, I had to wait 60 days to transfer him the domain – a process which was overturned by GoDaddy without my consent).  I turned down that $100 Jennifer and suggested that your husband utilize that money to take you out to a nice dinner (again, click here to read the email exchange for the proof).
Now I have no idea what your husband has shared with you about me Jennifer (if anything at all), but I’m the type of person Jennifer who has a strong innate instinct to protect women and children (which is actually ironic considering that I’m single and not a mother).
I didn’t feel that you or your child should be brought into the altercation between Crystal Cox and your husband. I actually felt sorry for you…however it appears that the saying of “no good deed goes unpunished” is true in regards to you Jennifer – personally.
Today Jennifer, I read a court complaint WITH YOUR NAME ON IT in regards to me, and as I stated before – that complaint FALSELY ACCUSES ME OF EXTORTION.  Now, considering that you’re around my age, and MARRIED to Marc Randazza, I’m going to go out on a limb and assume that THERE IS NO WAY ON EARTH THAT YOUR NAME WOULD BE ON A COURT COMPLAINT WITHOUT YOU BEING FULLY AWARE OF THE DETAILS.
As of this moment, considering that your name is on that court complaint Jennifer, I’m going to assume that you’re simply a liar who’s perfectly OK with falsely accusing women such as myself with crimes that they never committed.  If my assumptions about you are correct Jennifer, quite a few people will learn fairly quickly the truth about what you’re willing to do for money.  Many of those people will most likely be women who I’m sure are in your  current social circles and circles you may want to be admitted into in the future.
It really is a shame too, because it’s women like what I now assume you to be Jennifer, that make the world an extraordinarily difficult place for women like me. Over the past 3 (plus) years, I’ve put my economic standing, reputation and LIFE on the line to educate and protect women (young and old alike) from the dangers of the organized crime attached pornographic industry – an industry of which your husband, Marc Randazza not only knows the truth of, but defends as well.
As of tonight (unless I’m proven otherwise) I assume Jennifer that you not only don’t care about issues such as sex-trafficking and pedophilia (and Jennifer – it really is disturbing how your husband doesn’t only defend books such as The Pedophiles Guide – but has been found to be affiliated with an internationally known convicted pedophile as well)…you also don’t appear to have any respect for the law, our legal system or the country of which you live in – the United States of America.
Standing “by your man”, is one thing Jennifer…but giving FALSE STATEMENTS AGAINST THE INNOCENT for your man is something completely different.
Life is a funny thing Jennifer Randazza – I assume you to be living fairly comfortably at this moment.  You probably feel secure, well protected and filled with love for your children.  I don’t enjoy the same blessings and luxuries as yourself Jennifer – hell, I don’t even have a car (the last time I did, your husband suggested I drive off a cliff in it – click here for the proof).
You probably couldn’t imagine walking even 10 feet in my shoes Jennifer Randazza (and I doubt you ever anticipate doing so)…however in my 35 years, I’ve learned that life’s circumstances can easily change in the blink of an eye.
It’s not myself, Crystal Cox or anyone else for that matter who may have affected Marc Randazza’s livelihood Jennifer.  Marc Randazza affected his OWN livelihood via his OWN actions.  All I’ve done is report the news and the truth. Perhaps Marc needs to rethink his attempt to play both sides of the fence at this stage in his career, because he’s not just a liar and unprofessional – he’s UNETHICAL.
In the future Jennifer Randazza – whether it’s in a court of law here on Earth, or you face me in the ultimate court – which is the court of God…in the name of Jesus Christ, you will in time have to take accountability for this particular situation. I hope when that time comes Jennifer Randazza, you are intelligent enough not to lie.
If you do lie Jennifer Randazza, God will deal with you accordingly."

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